November 4, 2011

Suped Up Gangster Mobile Car Hot Rod

Look at this cop magnet. This is the kind of car that ends marriages. Very pretty. 

A hot rod with classic Reese's Peanut Butter cup colors with dark brown interior with twenty-eight inch rims. The flames are very well done. Nice.

September 3, 2011

Living Forever as a Ghoul... Vampire

If you could live forever. Would you?

What if you had to live your life in darkness as a pale ghoulish creature? Some would even call you ethereal with your pasty mangled looks. While sucking down warm raw metallic tasting body fluids for nourishment. As you can tell. Vampiric habits sound downright nasty to me. But don't mind me, I'm the person in the corner eating soup with cooked gelatinized blood cubes.

There you would be, living on with the slow unending march of time. And time, time would become marked by the comings and goings of the ages. While you were surrounded by endless death. Pets, parents, children, friends, all those that didn't follow you into the endless night would inevitably leave you for dust. Your experience of the world would be halved. You would be able to listen to the sounds of the ocean but never again would you see the glitter of the sun as it raced across the waves. No skydiving, no rock-climbing, no windsurfing, and no eating food!

Ok. I admit being unable to eat food would be the deal breaker for me.

August 30, 2011

Dinosaur Screen Printed T-Shirts

My new screen print shop is called Gearhead Army and is located on Etsy the handmade website. Lately I've been into screen printing t shirts. There's the whole immediate gratification allure and the ability to create many items in a short period of time. Not to mention that almost anything and everything can be screenprinted. Hahahaha. (Cue evil sinister laugh.)

He's riding down 5th enjoying the sun and the breeze ready to snap the head off of any passerby. Velociraptor riding a scooter tshirt.

He's vicious and mean and he's hauling ass down Main Street. T-rex riding a scooter tshirt.

August 28, 2011

Scooter Riding Season

The sun is hot overhead and the wind is cool on your back. Perfect time for riding a scooter.

It's always good to ride defensively. Don't let car drivers edge you off of the road when they're passing. Control your lane by driving in the center of the lane or a little towards the left of the lane. Too close to the center line and you risk being side swiped by an inattentive driver on their cell phone or fumbling through their cd case as they weave in and out of their lane. Bastards.

I've seen an 80 year old grandma with her cotton ball head texting on the phone with one hand as her car drifted into oncoming traffic. Makes me grimace with lips stretched and teeth bared.

Be careful out there. Safe riding.